

Children with digestiveĀ disorders can be cured quickly with proper care. What is the right way to take care of children with digestive disorders and what should be noted when taking care of children? Let’s find out through this article.

What are digestive disorders in children?
Digestive disorder is a condition in which the digestive system contracts abnormally, causing symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting… and nutritional absorption of the baby is seriously affected.

Prolonged digestive disorders can affect the development of children, can cause rickets, malnutrition, growth retardation…

Manifestations when children have digestive disorders
When there is a digestive disorder, the child’s digestive system is abnormal, so it will affect the consumption of food and the absorption of nutrients. At that time, the child will have the following symptoms:


Diarrhea is a condition in which a child passes loose stools more than 3 times a day. Loose stools with water, even mucus and blood. Prolonged diarrhea makes babies dehydrated, tired, dry skin, even life-threatening if not rehydrated in time.


Constipation is a condition in which a baby has a bowel movement every 2-3 days. Hard, solid, molded stoolsā€¦ Constipation often causes abdominal pain, difficulty passing stools, exertion, even blood in the stool.

flower disorder
Digestive disorders can make children constipated


Vomiting is a common sign when children have digestive disorders. Vomiting occurs a lot in newborns because the baby’s digestive system is not yet mature. However, if a child over 1 year old still vomits frequently, it means that his digestive system is having problems.

Passing live feces

Normally, a baby’s intestinal tract contains 85% good bacteria and 15% harmful bacteria. The balance of intestinal microflora helps the process of absorbing nutrients and eliminating toxic waste effectively. When there is an imbalance between good bacteria and bad bacteria, the digestive system will not work efficiently, leading to the passage of raw feces.

Raw stools are usually white or contain undigested food.

Instructions on how to take care of children with digestive disorders at home
Digestive disorders in children can be treated at home with effective and proper ways to care for children with digestive disorders. When taking care of children with digestive disorders, parents should pay attention to the following issues.

Pay attention to the diet
Children’s nutrition needs to ensure an adequate and balanced supply of nutrients. In particular, special attention should be paid to 4 main groups of nutrients: protein, fat, starch and vitamins and minerals.

In the baby’s diet should balance the above nutrients, do not eat too much of one type of substance. In addition, it is necessary to choose foods that are appropriate for the age of the child. For example, a child who has just started solids should give him soft foods, vegetables, and then give him protein.

bronchial asthma in children
Children need to eat nutritious food to prevent infection

Children’s food needs to be clean and free of plant protection chemicals. Parents should give the baby cooked food and drink boiling water, do not eat cold food overnight, stale food because it can cause the baby to become infected with bacteria, causing food poisoning.

Maintain personal hygiene and the surrounding environment
In addition to paying attention to nutrition, parents also need to keep their children’s personal hygiene clean when taking care of children with digestive disorders. Keep your baby’s room neat and clean. Children’s toys and utensils should be cleaned twice a week to prevent bacteria and viruses from entering the baby’s body and causing illness.

After your child goes to the bathroom, wash his or her hands with antibacterial soap. Before meals, children should also practice washing their hands.


Increase physical activity for children
Maybe many parents do not pay attention, but regular exercise not only helps improve physical strength, strengthens resistance, but also helps improve symptoms of digestive disorders very effectively.

Regular exercise helps children’s spirits to be more comfortable, happier, and at the same time, helps the digestive system work more efficiently and stay healthy. Parents can let their children play appropriate sports such as walking, jogging, cycling, badminton, basketball…

Do not abuse drugs
When applying ways to care for children with digestive disorders, parents need to be careful not to abuse drugs on children. Many parents see that their child has an unusual problem and immediately think of taking medicine to get better quickly.

However, the use of drugs is always a double-edged sword. They can help children recover quickly, but they also make the digestive system dependent on drugs and sometimes even destroy the beneficial bacteria in the intestines and cause many unnecessary side effects.

Therefore, before giving medicine to your baby, consult your doctor, do not arbitrarily buy medicine for your child to use.

Supplementing good bacteria in the digestive tract
Using products with the ability to supplement beneficial bacteria for the digestive tract is the best way to improve the health of the digestive system as well as quickly improve the symptoms that digestive disorders cause.

Give your child yogurt to supplement beneficial bacteria for the digestive system


According to experts, 70% of a child’s immune system is located in the digestive tract, so the addition of beneficial bacteria is very necessary. To best care for children with digestive disorders, parents can give them yogurt every day, supplemented with probiotics to support healthy digestion.

When should children go to the doctor?
Digestive disorders in children can be taken care of and treated at home. However, if your child experiences the following conditions, parents need to take their child to the doctor right away:

Children have vomiting a lot, are tired, fussy, eat and sleep poorly for a long time.
Children with prolonged diarrhea, accompanied by signs of dehydration such as dry skin, dry mouth …
Children with high fever, lazy to eat, stop sucking.
Children have constipation for many days, bloody stools, anal fissures.Children with rickets, growth retardation, malnutrition.
How to take care of children with digestive disorders?
When a child has digestive disorders with high fever and constant crying, they should go to the doctor

Thus, if the child is having digestive problems, parents can apply the ways to care for children with digestive disorders outlined in this article to help them quickly recover from the illness.

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